Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Is This the End of Tourism as We Know It?

Read this article and
create a glossary with new vocabulary and expressions specific to this field. Use the glossary and the information given in the article to write elaborate answers to the questions below. Be ready to present your own opinions in class later in November.

Article: The End of Tourism?

Vocabulary to check

Reading questions:

1) How is the pandemic affecting global tourism? Present facts and figures in different parts of the world.

2) What are the dangers of tourism dependency? Explain the situation of overtourism in Venice, Barcelona and Dubrovnik.

3) Is tourism benefitting local communities and biodiversity in any way? Talk about Bush Tourism and National Parks in Kenya and other African countries.

4) Explain the situation in the islands of Komodo (Indonesia).

5) Talk about the carbon footprint of global tourism, and suggest ways to make it a more sustainable industry for both the environment and local economies.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Western Insanity

 Top UN official in New York steps down citing ‘genocide’ of Palestinian civilians

Here follows a gripping interview with American war correspondent and author Christian Lynn Hedges on the occasion of  the publication of his latest book, The Greatest Evil is War. An unflinching indictment of the horror and obscenity of war, Pulitzer-price-winner Chris Hedges draws from experience a devastating look at the hidden costs of war, what it does to individuals, families, communities and nations.