Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Last Laugh: The origin of this crisis
This is one of the most famous videos that went around the world right after the first subprime crisis, back in August 2007... A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, huh? Well, over four years have gone by, and they couldn't be more right! And thanks Ramón for your talk on where money comes from... very educational!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
A bit of literature for your holidays
In case you feel like listening to more stories by Munro during the holidays, here are a couple of audio files containing two stories from Munro's last collection, Too Much Happiness:
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Another ad: The Soccer World Cup in Africa
Last Wednesday Ainhoa told us about this ad in class, and, as I can see, she made a pretty good description of what's going on in it. Click on play if you wanna check it out, and thanks Ainhoa for sending the video!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
More on Ads: Be Stupid by Diesel
Yesterday we discussed the different emotional appeals that ads may have, and we saw that most of them have a target, and a specific point. Here follows an advertisement by Diesel from last year. Please, watch it and think of the emotional appeal(s) involved, the target, and the point of it. Maybe you would like to start developing your thoughts by actually noting how it makes you feel. Does it have a covert message? You're welcome to express your ideas by commenting this post, or sharing your opinion in class.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Latest news on the Amazon Rainforest
We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.
The Brazilian Senate passed a bill that weakens Amazon protection just a week ago, with probably far-reaching consequences. To find out more about governments', environmentalists' and scientists' stance, take a look at this article from Nature magazine.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Seasonal Forests
Remember the motto Think global, act local we were talking about in class the other day? Well, now we're gonna go from the local to the global: Here follows an awesome documentary on Seasonal Forests all over the world, by BBC Planet Earth. Please, enjoy the scenery, the images are just stunning . But, of course -and not to forget what we're here for, before watching the video, complete the worsheet below:
Work on the new vocabulary, and read the listening comprehension questions, you should be able to answer these as you watch the video, or once you've watched it.
And now, enjoy the documentary:
Planet Earth: Seasonal Forests
Have a beautiful and relaxing week!
(NOTE: If you want to have English subtitles on it, download this file Seasonal Forests_English subtitles, and save it in the same folder as the .avi file above. Then use theVLC media player to reproduce the .avi file.)
Have a beautiful and relaxing week!
Friday, December 2, 2011
SOS Public Education: We will survive!
Recorded by fellow teachers in a Valdemoro secondary school. You rock guys! Keep it up!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Cree Indian Prophecy
Click on this link to read more about the famous prophecy we just saw in class.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Still working on some barriers to be removed! Art may be another powerful tool to free ourselves
Poses (2011), a living by Yolanda Domínguez, visual artist and performer
These images are virtually the only feminine reference in the mass media and they have a great influence in both men and women when building our roles in terms of behavior and ways of thinking.
Using these impossible stances of the fashion publishing houses as a symbol of how grotesque and unreal this industry is, a group of real women transfer these poses to daily scenes: the queue of a museum, the supermarket or the bus stop, sparking off the reaction of the spectators (on the other hand, regular consumers of these images).
The aim: to make it clear how ridiculous, and at times harmful, it can be to follow these models that the world of glamour imposes on us.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!

Find out more about this big-time celebration in North America in wikipedia
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Theater evening in Madrid: Would you like to join us?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
An interview with pianist Keith Jarret
Listen to this interview with pianist Keith Jarrett and relax... The speakers speak slow, the interview is accompanied by music, and the questions I'm posing below shouldn't be too difficult for you to answer, so this exercise is meant to make listening comprehension not a stressful but a relaxing experience ;-)
1. On April 9th 2011, Jarrett presented the album he had been working on for two years. True or false?
2. What factors does the pianist mention as guiding his compositions?
3. What does the pianist mean by having "an out-of-the-body experience"?
4. What's the disadvantage of playing solo, according to Jarrett?
5. The story Jarrett is telling in his last album is the story of his divorce. True or false?
6. Having played for so many years makes it easier for the pianist to perform in front of an audience. True or false?
7. According to Jarrett, it was the atmosphere in Rio that determined the success of his concert. True or false?
Click on this link to read the transcript
Thursday, November 10, 2011
How often are we actually wrong?
Can you think of the last time you thought you were wrong about something? Probably a while ago, right? We could all use watching this really stirring talk about how humans deal with feelings of being right or wrong. At the end of the day, if you think about it, it's not a big deal to be wrong once in a while, don't you think? Enjoy!
If you wanna see this talk with English subtitles on it, go directly to the TED webpage, search for the title "On being wrong" and select English at the bottom of the image.
Take a look at the Real English vocabulary and make sure you understand these expressions in context. You may wanna use a monolingual dictionary.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Healthcare Sytem in the USA and Spain
In case you wanna go through all the info on US and Spanish Healthcare systems our US visitors showed us last Thursday, please click on the slide shows below. Really intriguing data indeed!
On US Healthcare On Spanish Healthcare
As a follow up to this interesting talk, you might wanna watch Sicko, the documentary film by Michael Moore on the US Healthcare system. Read the synopsis below:
On US Healthcare On Spanish Healthcare
As a follow up to this interesting talk, you might wanna watch Sicko, the documentary film by Michael Moore on the US Healthcare system. Read the synopsis below:
This documentary looks at health care in the United States as provided by profit-oriented health maintenance organizations (HMOs) compared to free, universal care in Canada, the U.K., and France. Moore constrasts U.S. media reports on Canadian care with the experiences of Canadians in hospitals and clinics there. He interviews patients and doctors in the U.K. about cost, quality, and salaries. He examines why Nixon promoted HMOs in 1971, and why the Clintons reform effort failed in 1990s. He talks to U.S. ex-pats in Paris about French services, and he takes three 9/11 clean-up volunteers, who developed respiratory problems, to Cuba for care.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
How to be happy in seven easy steps!!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Strikes for Education
Click here to read the article we saw in class this week.
And listen to a short news story about the current situation in Spain. Then complete these three sentences:
c. It is claimed that the cuts are done to __________________________________
And listen to a short news story about the current situation in Spain. Then complete these three sentences:
a. Teachers on strike protest against _________________ and _______________
b. Teachers plan _________________________ for ____________________
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
¿Por qué hacemos huelga? Carta abierta a nuestros/as alumnos/as
Me gustaría publicar aquí una carta que mi compañero Juan López, profesor del aula de al lado, ha mandado a sus estudiantes explicando por qué hace huelga. Me he tomado la libertad de reproducirlo aquí para vosotros/as. Gracias, Juan. Pinchad aquí para leer la carta.
Me gustaría publicar aquí una carta que mi compañero Juan López, profesor del aula de al lado, ha mandado a sus estudiantes explicando por qué hace huelga. Me he tomado la libertad de reproducirlo aquí para vosotros/as. Gracias, Juan. Pinchad aquí para leer la carta.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
October 15th, 2011: United for a Global Change
Do you want to watch the news report on October 15th 2011 one more time? Just click on play.
Also, read here a news story on Wall street protests, from the New York Times.
Now, practice your listening skills answering these listening comprehension questions.
And, once you're done with that, check your answers in theFriday, October 7, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Some nice tips on those funny English sounds
Still in trouble with some of the English sounds? No worries, just click on the link below and practice a whole bunch of them. Just listen and repeat!
practice your English sounds
practice your English sounds
Friday, September 23, 2011
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